Wednesdays at 7:00 pm
May 10 • 17 • 24 • 31, 2017
If you live close enough to get here, come on outside and rebound with us in Franconia, Virginia, on Wednesday evenings in May 2017. Weather permitting (no rain and above 65 degrees), we will meet at 7:00 pm for a forty minute class plus cool-down and stretching. On a clear night, we jump into the sunset and dance as the moon rises. And...May 10 is a full moon.

As the weather improves, we will have more rebounding boots to rent for those who want to join in the fun. For now, there are only three pairs:
• extra-small (women's 5-6)
• small (women's 7-8) and
• medium (women's 9-10).
If you need to rent boots, I need to know ahead of time so I bring the right sizes with me. If you have your own boots, the only reason to let me know ahead of time is so I can contact you if we have to cancel that night.

The cost is $5 if you have your own boots, and $10 if you need to rent boots. Beginners are always welcome, as every class starts with a warm-up and basic moves. Check Loraine Says Jump on Facebook for the most up-to-date information, or email me at LGoodenough@cox.net.