Saturday, September 29, 2012

If studying was hard, waiting for the result is harder

One week ago tomorrow I took the Aerobics and Fitness Association of America (AFAA) workshop and tests to become certified as a group fitness instructor. My eventual goal is to become an instructor of Kangoo Jumps beginners. Before the AFAA workshop, I had already gotten the required CPR/AED certification and taken the Kangoo Jumps instructor workshop. Once certified by AFAA, I still need to submit a video of me actually teaching a segment of Kangoo Jumps.

Being honest with myself, I think I did OK on the AFAA multiple-choice test, but I'm not as sure about the practical skills demo part of the test. I noted a couple of areas I could have done better, and I am not going into details in case the evaluators missed them. If I don't pass both portions on the first try, I can re-take the portion I could improve on for a smaller fee than retaking the entire workshop. At this point all I can do is wait to get the results. Waiting is much harder for me than studying was, because I am restless and want to move to the next step.

As for the actual testing, I can't tell you much about the paper test, except that the test we took was easier than the practice test I purchased for studying. I think part of that is due to Pauline, our workshop instructor, who put us at ease and reinforced the most pertinent parts of the 41 chapter textbook, Fitness: Theory and Practice. (Thank you, Pauline!)

One surprise for me was how much time we spent in actual movement, broken up into smaller portions. I knew about the group warm-up, group cardiorespiratory segment, and group cool-down, but I did not realize we would have a chance to practice all that ahead of time. I knew about the 1-2 minute solo presentation we each had to do, teaching the rest of the group a strength exercise or cardio pattern, in three levels of intensity, but I did not expect to rehearse that in small groups or with a partner. While I am absolutely sure the rehearsal time improved my performance, I definitely felt sore the next day, and the next. My energy level took a couple days to return too, probably due to a combination of different workouts than usual and the sudden lifting of the pre-test stress.

My friends and acquaintances were incredibly supportive before, during and after the AFAA workshop. They commented on Facebook, texted me, came up to me during fitness classes or at the school where I work, and all wished me luck and said they were glad I was doing this (and not them!). Most of them will not see this blog, but I thank them here anyway. I may not be a child, but it takes a village to raise me too!

There will be great rejoicing if I pass this on the first try, so I can move on to the Kangoo Jumps video milestone. If I don't pass, there will be very minor partying and a re-test scheduled. Sooner or later, I look forward to inviting all who live close enough to come try Kangoo Jumps with me.

1 comment:

  1. Four weeks later, and still no results in the mail. They say that fortune favors the prepared, so I bought a bottle of champagne in order to be ready to celebrate. Perhaps that will help bring the results to me.
