Sunday, June 9, 2013

Reality Check on the Kangoo Instructor Trail

Memo to myself:

Here are a few ideas to help keep this adventure of becoming a Kangoo Jumps instructor in perspective, and keep you moving forward in it.
  1.  It was never your intention to teach the same class you are taking. Remember back to when you started this adventure, when you wanted to teach the people who watch from the doorway but are afraid to try it, and the people who try it once and say it was fun but never come back, and the people who come back repeatedly and find some moves very challenging because they didn't learn the fundamentals that make them easier. Keep those people in mind when you feel discouraged.
  2. Confidence is a skill you can take steps to improve, just like technique, style, and stamina. Figure out the steps you can take, and make them part of your plan. Start by remembering when you were very good behind a microphone or leading a class, and picture those earlier successes as often as needed. Keep working on the technique, style and stamina too, because confidence that can't be backed up with substance won't get you very far.
  3. Since you are worried about your mind trying to write checks your body can't cash, get expert help in determining where to draw the line between highly motivated and flat-out delusional. (For example, no amount of motivation is going to make your legs longer or you taller, so starting a career in professional basketball at this point in life is not realistic; good thing that's not your goal.)
  4. If it stops being fun for you, that will show. Make sure that at least some of what you do every week is just jumping for the joy of it. Instead of the Alamo, Remember the Euphoria!

Now, for the rest of you voyeurs reading my memo to myself, here's the synopsis and how it applies to you.

  • Remember why you started whatever you are having trouble
  • What steps are under your control to reach your goal?
    Take them.
  • Get a reality-check from someone who is not invested
    in the outcome.
  • Make sure you are getting something out of the process,
    whether it's fun, money, or something else you value.

All right, troops, let's do this!

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